Larry is renowned within CCMAC for a long series of original design and scratch built ply/balsa electric planes. Mainly they have been traditional and classic designs. More recently he has ventured into flying wings. But his latest incorporates influences from "Extra" style planes. It looks great, is beautifully covered in bright red and yellow. Best of all it is an excellent aerobatic performer!


Col has maidened his lovely Black Horse 1600mm electric Chipmunk
Gordon with his impressive Great Planes Dazzler, with OS55AX nitro power. A goer!
Tai is thrilled with his absolutely gorgeous four stroke nitro powered Ultimate biplane

Congratulations! Gold Wings pilot Tai has now qualified as an MAAA instructor. Here he is with CCMAC's other MAAA instructor Paul S. (left)

New member Jayson is rapidly learning to fly, and has already maidened an electric Scanner low winger.

Rob is having a ball flying 3d with his new Flex Extra QQ.

What has John got here?
A tricky little HK Autogyro!

Sigi recently joined CCMAC, then was almost immediately successful in being awarded Club wings by Dennis. Well done indeed!

CCMAC President Dennis awards Club wings to new member Ken. Congratulations!

Welcome to CCMAC. John M recently joined the Club, and was quickly successful in winning Club Wings.
Roger is enjoying some soaring with this lovely electric glider.
Doug loves his superb new electric BushMaster.
CCMAC greatfully acknowledges generous support from the following for our annual Christmas club event.

New(ish) CCMAC member Jim M has built up an excellent new You Tube channel called "RC Jim". On this are a number of videos he has shot of some of the flying action at the Club. in addition he has produced a couple of videos for exclusive use by us.